Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Here is a poem I wrote called "Anxiety"Hope you like it! please leave any feed back in the comments and follow for more stories, poems and more!

Anxiety is a stalker. She only comes around at the times when you least want her there. She has rough, pale skin that feels like sandpaper as when she wraps her long, skinny fingers around your neck. Black, soulless eyes that with one glance can spot each and every one of your flaws. And a sly, greedy grin that she uses to mock you with. She’s an ugly thing, on the inside and out. She’ll creep up on you during the night so you can’t get any sleep. She’ll turn your best day into your worst in a matter seconds and to her it’s all a game. You try to take medication to get rid of Anxiety but she’ll always find a way back inside your head and cause an uneasy feeling. Anxiety will find a way to be your worst nightmare but this time it’s not just a dream.